Breastfeeding Consultation


   I approach and counsel infant feeding from a biological perspective. 

   I know that, like other mammals, human mothers have an innate ability to nourish and nurture their offspring - AND their babies have Primitive Neonatal Feeding Reflexes (PNR) that facilitate crawling, rooting, wide open gape and a deep latch.

   This has been confirmed and replicated by years of research.

   For some reason it takes years for research on breastfeeding to reach some maternity care providers and  I frequently see new mothers who simply received incorrect, outdated information and support in the hospital.  

    Many nurses have never heard of newborn feeding reflexes (PNR's) and surprisingly some lactation educators/consultants haven't either.

   All this [research-based] information is covered in my comprehensive Breastfeeding Basics class and also during all breastfeeding consultations.

SEE how this works!

I also provide each mother I work with, a self-assessment screening tool for Postpartum Depression - which is too often overlooked.


   My fee is $150 for the initial visit of 2 hours, payable by cash, check or Zelle.  

   This fee is reimbursable through most every insurance provider.

Breast Crawl

   When left undisturbed, babies will go through 9 distinct stages after birth.  During that "Magical Hour" (or two) a newborn  will crawl to a breast, root, bob their head, gape, take the nipple, self attach and suckle  with little to no assistance from ... ANYONE.   

    The  person helping the newborn breastfeed should  be it's mother.

   Even if your baby received narcotics/opioids in labor (usually  Fentanyl) from your epidural or pain injection, s/he will be able to do quite well with just a little more help and patience from YOU, its mother.

Lots of skin to skin contact and patience is usually all that is needed.